Why do you crave pineapple? There are several reasons behind craving pineapple. Pineapple is a sweet, sour fruit that is very tempting and increases appetite. Pineapple is also a source of several nutrients such as manganese, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium, even this is a source of anti-inflammatory which is quite good at boosting immunity.
This anti-inflammatory appears because pineapple is a storehouse for the enzyme bromelain. So why do you crave pineapple? Let’s find out what is the reason behind this.
Why Do I Crave Pineapple?
Pineapple is a great fruit for those of you who are reducing sweet foods. These foods are sweet and sour with a high water content.
Pregnant women also often crave pineapple, as well as nursing mothers. Pregnant women may crave pineapple because it is rich in vitamin C which can help boost immunity during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In addition, vitamin C is also important for the development of the baby in the womb. This could be the reason why pregnant women crave pineapple.
In addition, another reason is because pineapple is rich in folic acid, where the benefits of folic acid are very large for the baby’s neurodevelopment and preventing birth defects.
Pineapple is not only sweet, it is a fruit that can reduce some types of cravings. If you are craving sweet food and then consume pineapple then pineapple can reduce cravings. Pineapple is rich in natural sugars like fructose and glucose so it can satisfy your craving for sweets.
If you also crave salty food, pineapple can also help satisfy you. Pineapple is a source of potassium and it can reduce your cravings for salt. The benefits of pineapple can also make you full quickly because it contains a lot of fiber.
Consuming pineapple will reduce your cravings for many other foods. Fiber helps you get full quickly and maintains that feeling of fullness so you don’t have cravings for lots of other foods. Below we will see some reasons why we crave pineapples.
Why Am I Craving Pineapple? 7 Common Reasons
If you are craving pineapple, chances are you are thirsty or lacking the nutrients in pineapple. Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients such as the enzyme bromelain, vitamin C, and others. Apart from a lack of vitamin C, pineapple cravings can also occur because of things like the following.
1. Vitamin C Deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency is the main reason why you crave pineapple or crave pineapple juice. As we have mentioned, pineapple is not only refreshing but rich in vitamin C. One cup of pineapple offers 48mg of vitamin C, a high figure for vitamin C. We know that adult men need 90 mg of vitamin C per day and adult women need 75mg of vitamin C per day.
So, just one cup fulfills more than half of the daily requirement for vitamin C, so it is a great source of vitamin C when there is a vitamin C deficiency.
2. Sweet and comfort food
Another reason why you crave pineapple is because it is a fruit that is comfortable to consume and a fruit that is refreshing and liked by everyone’s taste.
Stress and other emotional factors such as anxiety and boredom make us tend to crave sweet foods, including pineapple which tastes sweet and refreshing. So, anxiety, stress and boredom could be one of the reasons why you are craving pineapple.
But for those of you who eat pineapple when you are not stressed, this is normal and because it is not just stress that causes pineapple cravings, but there are other things and stress and emotional factors are only one of the many causes of cravings.
If you have often eaten pineapples since childhood or since you were young, then the habit and desire for pineapples when you are an adult or old is normal, and you crave pineapples because it has become a habit since you were small and since you were young.
3. Your Body Needs Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone that regulates your sleep. When you eat pineapple, melatonin levels can increase by up to 266%.
If you have difficulty sleeping, the possible cause is interference with the hormone melatonin, so in this condition your body craves pineapple to increase more of this hormone.
4. You Miss the Flavor of Pineapple
The sweet, sour and refreshing taste of pineapple makes one’s appetite addicted to it. So, if you are already a fan of pineapples, it is natural that you crave pineapples or suddenly crave pineapples when the sun is hot.
So, if you are craving pineapple because you miss the taste, then don’t think twice, go to the fruit shop and buy a pineapple to enjoy and taste delicious in the midst of the hot weather.
5. Cravings during pregnancy and hormonal changes
During pregnancy, a person experiences hormonal changes that make them crave certain foods such as craving tomatoes, craving pineapple, craving olives, craving watermelon, craving corn or other cravings. Pineapples not only provide nutrition for pregnant women but are an excellent natural remedy for preventing morning hangovers. However, it is not recommended for young pregnant women to eat pineapple because it is hot and causes uterine contractions.
If you are craving pineapple during pregnancy, consult a doctor first so that you can safely eat it.
6. You’re Feeling Sick
Another reason someone craves pineapple is because they are sick. Someone who is sick is certainly due to their body’s immunity being weak, pineapple contains vitamin C which is good for increasing the body’s immunity.
Apart from that, pineapple also contains the enzyme bromelain which is useful for preventing inflammation (which causes pain). This enzyme is also known to be very good at helping digestion and breaking down protein.
7. Low Blood Sugar Levels
Someone who is experiencing low sugar can also cause pineapple cravings because pineapple is a natural source of sugar which can increase natural sugar levels without increasing the body’s cholesterol and calories.
Craving sweet foods is normal and you can consume them or satisfy yourself to get rid of cravings, but you have to pay attention to your portions so that it remains safe for your health.
Why Am I Craving Pineapple All of a Sudden?
If you suddenly crave pineapple, chances are your body needs pineapple nutrition. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you have to eat pineapple. Pineapple is a fresh fruit that offers nutrients such as manganese, vitamin C, and beta carotene.
All of these nutrients are good for your health. Then, pineapple is also a natural way to increase male and female fertility.
If you are preparing for pregnancy, eating pineapple is one way to increase your chances.
Another reason why you crave pineapple is because of its freshness, especially during the day and the sun heats up during the day. Eating pineapple is very refreshing especially the sweet cold pineapple.
Benefits of Eating Pineapple
- The sweet taste can satisfy your craving for sugar
- Pineapple is a source of fiber and it is healthy for your digestion.
- Pineapple is a great source of vitamin C, and it contains an enzyme that reduces inflammation (bromelain).
- Pineapple is also low in calories, so it’s not scary for those who are losing weight.
Organic Pineapple
Organic pineapple is widely available in various forms, you can also find it in canned form. This is a great way to increase the sweetness in your smoothie, add this canned pineapple.
You can add canned pineapple to desserts, salads, smoothies and more. If you are craving pineapple, you can also try canned organic pineapple which gives it a refreshing and naturally sweet taste.
Dole pineapple
This is a brand of canned pineapple produced by a company called Dole Food Company.
Canned pineapples come in many styles and shapes. There are pineapples cut, sliced, mashed pineapple, as well as in the form of pineapple juice. Dole pineapple is one of the biggest pineapple producers in the world where the products are very well known and in demand.
Pineapple for Weight Loss
Lose weight? Pineapple can be one solution. This fresh fruit is rich in fiber and is good at maintaining a feeling of fullness and makes you full quickly. Pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down protein and helps with bloating and fluid retention.
Also, pineapple is low in calories so it won’t cause you to gain weight. So, it can really help in weight loss.
Why Do You Crave Pineapple?
There are several reasons why someone craves this fresh fruit, including:
Nutritional deficiencies: One of the reasons why someone craves pineapples is because their body needs something in pineapples. This is a fruit rich in vitamin C which is great for meeting your vitamin C intake. If you are deficient in this vitamin, you will crave fruits rich in vitamin C such as pineapple.
Taste preference: Some people enjoy its sweet, refreshing taste. So, on a hot day, of course he will crave this tropical fruit.
Psychological factors: Cravings for pineapple and other fruit cravings are also influenced by a person’s psychological condition. Emotional turmoil or stress also makes someone craving for something. Some people want pineapples to deal with stress and sadness.
Hormonal changes: pregnant women often experience hormonal changes which can sometimes cause them to crave certain foods, including pineapple cravings.
So, What Should You Do if You Have Cravings?
Don’t worry, cravings are common and everyone experiences them. As long as this is still reasonable, you don’t need to worry about your mental condition. If you notice that there are other disorders in your soul related to cravings, then talk to a psychiatrist and nutritionist.

- 2 cups diced fresh pineapple
- 1 large cucumber, seeded and cut into halfmoon shapes
- 1/2 cup red onion, thinly sliced
- 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
- 2 tablespoons lime juice
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- Whisk together the dressing ingredients, you can use small bowl for this job
- Then combine the pineapple, cucumber, red onion, and cilantro, please use the big bowl for this
- Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat.
- Serve immediately or chill in the refrigerator for later.
- You can add some strawberry fruit for adding sweeter in salad, add just about 1/4 cup of chopped strawberries.
- For more spicier, i recommend you to add a pinch of red pepper flakes to the dressing.
- You can store the salad's leave-over in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. or freeze it in freezer for increasing its shelf life.
Nutrition Info: Calories: 150, Fat: 9 grams, Cholesterol: 0 milligrams, Saturated Fat: 1 gram, Sodium: 200 milligrams, Fiber: 2 grams, Carbohydrates: 25 grams, Sugar: 15 grams, Protein: 2 grams.