Goose Tongue Saute, Simple but Delicious Food

by Simon
Goose Tongue Saute

Goose Tongue is a vegetable plant that grows widely in southeastern Alaska. Usually, Goose Tongue plants are used as delicious food when saute. This is known as a delicious salty snack.

Food from the goose tongue plant is rarely found, but in parts of Alaska you can still find it. Even for parties, you can find this food in Alaska. Goose Tongue is delicious when cooked by sautéing it with balsamic vinegar, and adding homemade pancetta.

If you find a Goose Tongue cook sauteed or in any other recipe, it’s definitely an Alaskan cook. Maybe we can say that because that’s the fact, where this food is rare and only native Alaskans know about it.

One day I saw the Goose Tongue menu and I asked, to the person eating it, “you must be an Alaskan girl!”, sure enough, she turned out to be an Alaskan girl. That’s how attached this dish is to Alaska as the original region where this food belongs.

What is Goose Tongue?

What is Goose Tongue? Goose Tongue is a green vegetable plant and is very easy to get. Cooking it simply can produce delicious food. We enjoy this food while protecting the rice in the rice fields from the birds that eat it. It is also delicious to enjoy Goose Tongue while climbing the mountains or while enjoying the beauty of the beach.

Talking about Goose Tongue grass, it is easy for us to differentiate between them. When it is young it is sometimes difficult to differentiate it from poison arrow grass. If you are new to this plant, you should find out more about the characteristics of the Goose Tongue plant so you can differentiate it from the poison arrow plant.

Differences between Goose Tongue Vs Poison Arrow Grass

There are significant differences between the two which are very basic. Goose tongue leaves are V-shaped, while poison arrow leaves are flat on one side and round on the other. At the end of the season the differences between the two become more obvious, with goose tongue grass leaves looking flat and fat, while poison arrow grass looks more vertical and goose tongue grass looks stretched out.

Cooking Goose Tongue

Cooking Goose Tongue

When exploring, you can bring scissors, cut them, and collect several handfuls, we will cook goose tongue as goose tongue saute. But you can cook it as another recipes as your preferences.

Then before cooking Goose Tongue, we first soak it, rinse it well. The strands look nice and smooth, they are often found in coastal areas.

A really good way to cook Goose Tongue is to sauté it and this is my favorite way. Cook on high heat and add a little ghee. Cook, stir with full confidence that your dish will be delicious, stir for about 8 minutes or until wilted, sprinkle fresh pepper on top, and there is absolutely no need to add salt.

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Maybe the level of viscosity is similar to grilled green onion. But with a small body. Goose Tongue dishes and recipes will be delicious if mixed with a little vinegar. A delicious accompaniment to meat, poultry, fish and any other dishes. This is a suitable companion or addition to combine.

Goose tongue is delicious to eat raw, crunchy, has a hint of sweetness, and is definitely salty. This tastes delicious when mixed with salad, it is also suitable mixed with cold quinoa.

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